European styling gives this lightweight aluminum rollator some flair
More Information on the Nitro
Out of the box ready to use
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pam s. from wakefield, ri (caregiver)
My husband is 67 and has PSP Transitioning from cane to walker
I like it very much
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Weakness could be a little bit lighter for me because it's too heavy. I didn't ask how much it weighed and I wished I had of but thank you so much merry Christmas.
donna l. from grand junction, co
I use it am 81 the only thing is it's kinda heavy but I like it thank you so much
Thank you very much
Very good products
irina f. from chicago, il
Not provided
Best on the market
Rolls free, folds up with ease, has a seat to sit on, well built.
harry d. from beloit, wi
This is a wonderful roller walker The roller has a bag on front to carry my oxygen unit. I have two one in the house and one in my car
Everything is perfect except mesh bag allows others to see...
Sturdy, pretty red color, big wheels make it easier to cross the RR tracks, step to lift front when going up a step.
Bag reveals what is inside and brakes do not always hold.
janet w. from burlingame, ca
Not provided
Love this walker.
Rolls smooth, perfect size and easy to open/ close
Sometimes when you are putting it away while closed the wheels turn in differen directions.
beverley w. from fort worth, tx
Not provided
A very good product. More people should use them rather...
Well, built and easy to transport.
have none.
james r. from middletown, pa (caregiver)
My wife has very bad knees and cannot have surgery.
Very easy to navigate outside and inside. Easy to put in my...
Relatively lightweight.
None so far.
linda j. from harrison, id
Female, 62 have nerve damage T4 with Tone and scissor walking gate. Having breast cancer surgery, I didn't want to fall.
Very nice walker.
The concealed brake wires make all the difference. Others I have had catch on everything you go by.
It is a little heavy to lift into the car.
william w. from camden wyoming, de
78 year old with knee and degenerative disk problems.
Excellent product and well built
Made very well and is pleasing to look at. The seat on this is very comfortable
It is a little on the heavy side to lift and take outside from the house.
albert s. from jefferson hills, pa
I use the rollator everyday in the house and when I am. Very easy to use and you alaways have a seat when you get tired
This Nitro meets all expectations: weight, folding for...
The design and ease of use, light weight, size allows easier maneuverability in close quarters, easy to transport.
I have found no weaknesses
kenneth s. from meridian, id
Male, 93 yrs,lower back pain, difficulty standing, walking even short distances. This Nitro enables me to walk with minimal pain.
Freedom of strain
Easy to push and lift
There none
janice a. from forest hill, md
I am 76 years of age, the walker is light weight and easy to fold and lift to put in my car. It has large wheels which makes it easier to navigate.