ProForm NX
Great for positioning and postural support with a contoured and modifiable base and single or dual air chambers.
More Information on the ProForm NX
Love the fact that I can adjust the cushion
The ability to vary the cushion level.
I wish I would have gotten the cushion with two valves. Didn’t realize that my cushion only had one valve when I purchased it.
jody e. from winfield, ks
I use my chair daily. I recommend this Proform NX Air Wheelchair Cushion to all those who have to sit all day. In a wheel chair.
good product sturdy
Material and craftsmanship
high price
mark h. from clintwood, va., va
I am a 62 year old man with stage 4 Prostate Cancer that spread to my bones almost 4 years ago. This is an excellent cushion, very easy to adjust.
It's a good product. Might be a bit difficult to adjust by...
Well made, ought to last a long time.
Complexity and firmness. Can be a little uncomfortable and it's maybe difficult to get properly adjusted to end user.
peter m. from ramrod key, fl
A forty six year paraplegic with misalignment issues, a tendency towards sores and a newly shorter leg than the other.
Definitely not what I was expecting!
Not really sure! Design of product could potentially help someone but not in my case.
Design of product - Once inflated & even after adjusting with valve, the front height renders maneuvering a wheelchair nearly impossible & I'm 6'0" tall.
erwin j. from wilmington, de
Handicapped by stroke with right sided lower extremity paralysis.
Great product supporting back
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ronald c. from collierville, tn (caregiver)
female user age 50, with loss of limbs below waist due to cancer in spine.
not if their needs are like mine
I feel the product is very well made
it was just not for me, it was too rigid and too "high" or thick for my needs. I returned this product and ordered another Varalite cushion, the one i have used before.
gail m. from marietta, ga
age 69, hip disarticulation amputee
Good Cushion, needs a little tweaking for it to be come...
The dual chamber air is great for my sitting position and scoliosis. I really love it.
Being a Paraplegic, I do many transfers. The non-air part (front part, under thigh) is too hard and hurts my tush a lot. I've never had a pressure sore since my disability, and using this cushion for 2 weeks, it started to give me bruise pains. I don't recommend this cushion to Paraplegics who do a lot of transfers (chair to bed, to toilet, to sofa to car multiples times a day) , but I do recommend this cushion to all others because it's great helping with seating & posture.
tracy m. from aurora, or
Paraplegic for 13 years. Have used Varilite Evolution cushion most of those years. Bought Pro-Form to help with my scoliosis/sitting position.
Great product...very comfortable
adjustable air cushions form fitting
need to have an additional cover when washing the original cover
dorinda b. from frankfort, in
T3/T4 paraplegic
ProForm NX: Review
The strudness and ease to use and maintain
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tony m. from dallas, tx
I'm disabe from the hip down.My age is 50 i use the product on my wheelchair.