Flip-Up Half Lap Tray
A lap tray that conveniently flips out of the way when not is use
This product is either discontinued by the manufacturer, or no longer available at SpinLife.com.
Greg was wonderful and helped us design chair for her...
The Flip Tray is wonderful.
None to speak of yet.
helen s. from highland, mi (caregiver)
My mom uses this wheelchair, who is confined to a Nursing Home. It is working out wonderfully for her, and just the right size.
Supports his arm well
Not had long enough to see any
sandra k k. from jackson, mo (caregiver)
My brother is paralyzed on his left side and needed a new flip tray for his wheelchair. Your tray was easy to install. He is satisfied and happy.
Works as expected
Relative ease of application
The clip that slides over the wheelchair arm is not adjustable
charles b. from lenexa, ks (caregiver)
Support food and drink while watching TV
Flip-Up Half Lap Tray: Review
Not provided
Not provided
diann s. from corinth, ms
Not provided