Cup Holder Universal Mount Kit
Cup Holder Universal Mount Kit
- Attaches to the stroller handle
- Practical in keeping beverages secure
- Compatible with Zippie Voyage Stroller
Key Specs
- Weight: 1 lbs.
A simple accessory that keeps beverages secure and prevents spills, which can be particularly important when pushing a stroller. Holds beverage containers, such as cups, mugs, bottles, or cans, while engaged in various activities.
Warranty Information
If you have a problem with your product, simply call one of our expert Customer Service Representatives and SpinLife will assist in your warranty. Spinlife warrants all parts for defect in material and/or workmanship for a period of 30 days. Any damage or defect found to be the result of misuse, modification, negligence, improper operation, storage, and/or accident will not be covered under this warranty.
Return Policy
This item is non-returnable for one of the following reasons:
- This item is custom-made by the manufacturer to suit your specific needs . Please review all specifications carefully before placing your order.
- Once production of your custom item has begun – the order is unable to be cancelled.
- For hygienic safety and per FDA regulations this item is non-returnable, even if unused.
- Once products are installed, the product is no longer returnable.
- Items that are purchased as "Open-Box" are non-returnable.
- Please inspect your product upon delivery. If the product is damaged or is not the correct product, please refuse the delivery. If your item was delivered without a signature and is damaged or incorrect please call SpinLife Customer Service.
If you have questions about this item please call a SpinLife Expert at 1-800-850-0335.