Rifton Anchor Family
Anchors and bars that attach to surfaces to help with stabilization
Rifton Anchor Family
The SpinLife Difference Includes:
FREE Curbside Delivery
1 Year Warranty
- Family of Anchors and Grab Bars to help stabilize
- Hand, elbow, wrist and arm anchors
- Grab bar can attach to any surface
Work and play can be made easier by simply stabilizing one arm. Rifton's family of anchors and grab bars are portable and can be used in any occasion.
Arm Anchor - forearm stabilizer, straps around forearm and wrist, and a handgrip. It can be adjusted and the handgrip rotates to any needed position of the hand.
Hand Anchor - portable, ergonomically shaped to facilitate and maintain grip. A vertical grab bar with a suction cup grip.
Wrist Anchor - Hand Anchor with wrist pad and strap to comfortably retain the hand in place.
Elbow Anchor - frees wrist and hand for functional activity, while the forearm rests on a padded surface. A comfortable strap secures the elbow in place.
Horizontal Anchor - portable grab bar for users who can grasp more easily with their forearm pronated.
Grab Bar - a horizontal grab bar with two suction cups that can be attached on a clean, flat, smooth surface to assist functional activities.
Warranty Information
Return Policy
This item is non-returnable for one of the following reasons:
- This item is custom-made by the manufacturer to suit your specific needs . Please review all specifications carefully before placing your order.
- Once production of your custom item has begun – the order is unable to be cancelled.
- For hygienic safety and per FDA regulations this item is non-returnable, even if unused.
- Once products are installed, the product is no longer returnable.
- Items that are purchased as "Open-Box" are non-returnable.
- Please inspect your product upon delivery. If the product is damaged or is not the correct product, please refuse the delivery. If your item was delivered without a signature and is damaged or incorrect please call SpinLife Customer Service.
If you have questions about this item please call a SpinLife Expert at 1-800-850-0335.