Precision Comfort Gel Cushion
Ensures A Cool & Dry Seating Experience
Precision Comfort Gel Cushion
The SpinLife Difference Includes:
Free Shipping for Orders over $50
2 Year Warranty
- Innovative Gel-Infused Foam To Reduce Pressure Points
- Designed To Fit Most Standard Wheelchair & Power Chairs
- Breathable, Moisture-Wicking Cover To Ensure Dry & Cool Seating
- Built To Last With Daily Use
Key Specs
- Weight capacity: 350 lbs.
- Weight: 4 lbs.
Manuals, Literature & Videos
The Merits Precision Comfort Gel Cushion is designed to enhance your seating experience by providing unparalleled comfort, stability, and pressure relief. It’s particularly beneficial for those who are at risk of pressure ulcers or those who seek enhanced comfort in their daily mobility routine. Whether you are an active user or someone who needs additional support for long-term sitting, this cushion is an excellent choice to improve your quality of life.
The Precision Comfort Cushion combines high-density foam with a gel layer that adapts to your body contours, ensuring even weight distribution and reducing pressure points. Additionally , the PC Gel Cushion fit most standard wheelchairs and power chairs. Its lightweight design makes it easy to install and remove, allowing you to maintain mobility and independence effortlessly. Constructed with high-quality materials, this cushion is built to last. It offers reliable performance over time, even with daily use, providing you with a dependable seating solution for years to come.
Warranty Information
Return Policy
This item is non-returnable for one of the following reasons:
- This item is custom-made by the manufacturer to suit your specific needs . Please review all specifications carefully before placing your order.
- Once production of your custom item has begun – the order is unable to be cancelled.
- For hygienic safety and per FDA regulations this item is non-returnable, even if unused.
- Once products are installed, the product is no longer returnable.
- Items that are purchased as "Open-Box" are non-returnable.
- Please inspect your product upon delivery. If the product is damaged or is not the correct product, please refuse the delivery. If your item was delivered without a signature and is damaged or incorrect please call SpinLife Customer Service.
If you have questions about this item please call a SpinLife Expert at 1-800-850-0335.