Everyday Gripper Socks
Socks that help prevent slips and falls
Everyday Gripper Socks
- Comes in packs of 3, 6, or 12
- Calf-length
- Wide fit
- Natural cotton blend
- Easy-to-grasp pull tabs
Stay steady and on your feet with Joe & Bella's Everyday Gripper Socks. Innovatively designed to provide traction on smooth surfaces, the socks feature silicone grips that cover most of the sole, offering protection against slipping. Easy-to-grasp pull tabs make pulling up and down the socks a breeze, bringing convenience to your daily routine. The stretchy fabric is not only crazily comfortable, it prevents the socks from slipping down throughout the day.
Why We Like It
Crafted from a natural cotton blend, these wide calf-length socks offer breathability, keeping your feet cool and comfortable all day and all night. If you wear socks to bed or when using a wheelchair, these Grippers are for you! Embrace stability, comfort and newfound confidence with Joe & Bella's Everyday Gripper Socks.
Warranty Information
Defective products will be replaced at no cost. This return can often be expedited by providing a digital image of the damage or defect along with a description of the problem in your email. If the damage defect cannot be verified, we may need you to return the product to us for inspection before a final determination can me made as to resolution. Note: Physical returns without the proper return authorization will not be accepted.
We appreciate your business and want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.
Return Policy
This item is non-returnable for one of the following reasons:
- This item is custom-made by the manufacturer to suit your specific needs . Please review all specifications carefully before placing your order.
- Once production of your custom item has begun – the order is unable to be cancelled.
- For hygienic safety and per FDA regulations this item is non-returnable, even if unused.
- Once products are installed, the product is no longer returnable.
- Items that are purchased as "Open-Box" are non-returnable.
- Please inspect your product upon delivery. If the product is damaged or is not the correct product, please refuse the delivery. If your item was delivered without a signature and is damaged or incorrect please call SpinLife Customer Service.
If you have questions about this item please call a SpinLife Expert at 1-800-850-0335.